10th Ealing Boys' Brigade Company
Kingsdown Methodist Church Northfield Avenue Ealing London W13 9PR
The advancement of Christ's kingdom among Boys
and the promtion of habits of obedience, reverence, discipline
and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness.
Our motto: Sure and Steadfast Hebews 6:19
The Boys' Brigade is the world's oldest uniformed organisation for Boys,
founded on 4th October 1883 in Glasgow by William Smith
who was knighted in 1909 for his services to children.
There has been a Methodist presence on the corner of Northfield Avenue and Kingsdown Avenue for over 100 years.
The Church was named Kingsdown in September 1959 and has undergone regular re-development projects,
always seeking to offer the best possible premises for worship and also for community use.
If you would like to know more more about Kingsdown Methodist Church please follow this link:
If you would like to know more about The Boys' Brigade on a national level please follow this link:

The Object of The Boys' Brigade
When do we meet?
We meet every Friday during term-time:
Age 6-8 years The Anchor Boys 6:30–7:45pm
Age 9-11 years The Junior Section 6:30–7:45pm
Age 12-14 years The Company Section 7:45–10:00pm
Age 15-18 years The Senior Section 7:45–10:00pm
On the second Sunday of the month, all Boys and their families are invited to join us from 10:00–11:45am for Church Parade and Family Worship at Kingsdown, often led by our Minister and Chaplain, Revd Sue Male.
What do we do?
All activities are tailored for our age groups, and at a weekly
BB meeting we will cover assorted sports, various games, gymnastics, life-skill lessons, military-precision drill, Bible
stories and (for the older Boys) marching band practice. -
Throughout the year, Boys will also be invited to play against other local BB Companies in competitions such as football,
drill, gymnastics, athletics and marching band. -
In May, all families are invited to our Annual Display to watch the Boys perform. At the end of the Display, the Boys receive their awards and promotions.
Senior Section Boys will be required to attend Leadership Training Courses as they progress onto the higher BB awards.
Boys aged 11 and over will be invited to attend our very popular annual week long Summer Camp in August.
How much does BB cost?
We charge a small subscription to cover basic costs and this is generally paid at the beginning of each term. For Anchor Boys
and Junior Boys we charge £2.00 each week, and £3.00 for all
older Boys. -
Uniform costs about £30 and is ordered through the Company.
We do often have good-quality second-hand items that we encourage parents to recycle. -
All music tuition, use of instruments, gymnastic training and
sports coaching is given free of charge. -
Camp fees are kept as low as possible and currently stand at
£200 for the August week. -
BB leaders give their time and skills voluntarily and receive
no payment at all.
Why do we do this?
The BB was founded in 1883 and has always sought to inspire, encourage and guide Boys as they grow into men.
We emphasise the importance of an active lifestyle and place
great value on personal and spiritual development. -
We work with the Church and with parents to help our Boys become young men of integrity and strength. All BB leaders
are required to be people of Christian character and we
welcome Boys from all faiths or none into our ranks. -
We maintain regular contact with hundreds of our ex-members
(The Old Boys) and our weekly Newsletter is distributed to
over 100 families.